Wednesday 20 March 2013


The full uncut raw material of parish council life for the Cranoraks. You know who you are. Minutes from last Month's full PC meeting - subject to confirmation tonight

Cranfield Parish Council Minutes 20.02.13 at 8.00pm ​page 1048
Members: Mrs D Ball, P Meadows, A Morris, L Pollock, J Savill, R Baker, Mrs S Clark , D Allan, A Bastable,
Mrs J Brocklebank, G Young, Mrs Laura Moore, V Cosbie-Ross [14]

In Attendance: Mrs R J Davey-Hunt. Tom Ashley, Turnberry Planning Limited; Jason Leonard, Woods Hardwick; representatives from Persimmon. 24 members of the public.

Presentation by Tom Ashley and Jason Leonard, Turnberry Planning Limited relating to, 1 – 2 High Street, Cranfield. Jason Leonard presented a design for the site, which is to include affordable housing, shared ownership and market houses. The application when submitted will be for 17 houses (the site is allocated for a maximum of 25 houses), all no higher than two storeys. There will be provision for parking spaces – one space for each bedroom – in line with new guidance. The time-line for the development is: submit application March/April 2013; deliver November/December 2013. CB/PCllr Mrs Sue Clark undertook to check if there is a requirement for public consultation. Persimmon has not yet purchased the site.

1. To receive apologies for absence: PCllr A Morris.
2. To receive declarations of personal and/or prejudicial interests in any matter. PCllrs Mrs S Clark declared a personal and prejudicial interest in item 6.4.3. PCllrs D Allan and P Meadows declared a personal interest in item 6; planning application pertaining to the Carpenters Arms.
3. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting dated 23rd January 2013; RESOLVED that the minutes of that meeting (previously circulated) be confirmed as a true record.

4. Clerks Report
4.1. David Rawle’s first aid certificate has now run out; it was proposed and RESOLVED that this Council facilitates its renewal.
5. Health and Safety
5.1. Play area inspection: All areas checked and satisfactory. Broken glass picked up from tarmac area in High Street Recreation Ground; although no glass can now be seen, some small particles may remain.
5.2. PCllr P Meadows reported that the Ash tree at Hotchcroft may have a dead branch, and it was further reported that a tree in Walkhouse Close may also need inspection. It was agreed that PCllr Mrs Delise Ball would meet with Trim a Tree to enable an inspection, and to approve any work that is deemed necessary in the interests of public safety.

6. Reports from Committees:
6.1. Planning Committee and additional planning matters. The Council received a report from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report is approved.
6.1.1. The Development Strategy for Central Bedfordshire (pre-submission version). Deadline for comments 25th February 2013 (JS). CBCllr Mrs Sue Clark undertook to write a response and to circulate it to all Members for approval.
6.1.2. Community Infrastructure Levy. Deadline for comments 25th February 2013 (RB). PCllr R Baker undertook to write a response and to circulate it to all Members for approval.
6.1.3. Wind Turbines – Report from Working Party. Members of the working party presented a detailed report [appendix D] on findings in relation to the proposed erection of wind turbines in the Vale. The primary concerns are that of noise and impact on the landscape. The working party asked this council to oppose the proposed development, and stated that Cranfield University intends to put forward strong objections to the development. After discussion, PCllr Mrs Delise Ball proposed that this Council objects in principle to the scheme on the grounds that the noise will have a detrimental effect on the health of residents, and that the turbines will have a detrimental impact on the landscape. Further it was proposed that the distance between the turbines and the nearest habitable house should be at least 1.5 kilometres. It was RESOLVED that the proposals as stated be approved. PCllr J Savill abstained from the vote.
6.1.4. 1- 2 High Street. Following the presentation at the beginning of the meeting, it was RESOLVED that this Council will write to Annabel Gammell making the following observations: The design as presented appears to be attractive; however the site is for a maximum of 25 houses and the design put to this Council was for 17 houses. This Council believes that 17 is the maximum the site can take, and would like to see less preferably so that more parking spaces can be accommodated. Access. The driveway off Lodge Road seems to be positioned too close to the mini roundabout, and asks if it is necessary to have two accesses. This Council is gratified to see that the developer intends to adhere to Cranfield Parish Council’s policy of a two storey limit to all dwellings.

6.2. General Purposes Committee. The Council received a report, read by the Clerk, from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report is approved and the recommendations therein be accepted.
6.3. Burial Grounds Committee. The Council received a report from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report be approved and the recommendations therein - with the following addition to the recommendation in item 8.1 – be accepted.
6.3.1. Seek feedback from the PCC on topple test carried out in the churchyard.
6.4. Environment Committee. The Council received a report from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report is approved and recommendations therein be accepted. PCllr P Meadows abstained from the vote relating to the recommendation noted in item 1.1, Grasscutting and General Maintenance Contract.

7.1. In consideration of the above, and having heard the comments and a proposal that the accounts schedule [previously circulated] is approved for payment from the Chairman of the Council; RESOLVED that those accounts detailed in Appendix A be approved for payment.

8.1. Mr Ian Mould writes to ask for this Council’s support in getting a memorial to the Bedfordshire Regiment erected in time for the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War August 2014. Permission has been granted to site it at the Tyne Cot British Military Cemetery visitors centre at Zonnebeke, Belgium. The sum needed for the whole project is £5000.00; Mr Mould has offered to attend a meeting of the Council to give further information if necessary. The Clerk undertook to forward S137 form for completion.
8.2. Cllr David Hopkin, CBC, writes to invite representatives of this council to the next Town & Parish Council Conference, which will be held at 6.00pm - 9.00pm on Tuesday 16 April at Priory House, Chicksands. In response to feedback this event will focus on planning. RSVP, indicating choice of workshops by 28 March 2013. Details forwarded to all members on the 15th February.
8.3. M Gleeson, Project Manager, Wootton Academy Trust writes to advise that Wootton Academy Trust (WAT) has now concluded its Statutory Consultation Period on its proposal to open a new 16-19 College, to be called Kimberley, situated in the MK43 postcode district. The full consultation report is now available on the website and a copy has been sent to the Department for Education. A copy of the Executive Summary and Main Findings of the report were attached to the e-mail forwarded to all members on the 14th February.
8.4. Steve Hall, Amey, writes with regard to the feasibility of a pedestrian crossing at Mill Road. He asks if there is any further information or details that can be given to him on the problems that are being faced when trying to cross the road – this will help in producing the estimates. He adds that overall crossing of Mill Road at the named location ought to be easier as there is less distance to cross (whilst there used to be an island it was not used as a pedestrian refuge), and both vehicle speed should be reduced, and where the vehicles are intending to go should be more obvious. Previously any vehicles approaching from High St could have been going either along Mill Rd or Bedford Road and it would not always have been obvious - even if they indicated. For those crossing to the Co-op from Portnall Place, he thinks that the reduced speeds and clarity of the direction of approach of the cars would help pedestrians.
8.5. PCllr L Pollock wrote to all members to report that Professor Sir Peter Gregson, who is currently President and Vice-Chancellor of Queen’s University Belfast, will become Chief Executive and Vice-Chancellor of Cranfield University from 1 August 2013.
8.6. V Whitby writes to express concerns with regard to the siting of the proposed wind turbines in Rectory Wood. Letter copied to all Members.
8.7. E Fleet (PCSO) forwarded crime statistics (see appendix C).

9.1. Flitt Leys proposed development. CB/PCllr A Bastable stated that plans for Flitt Leys will be known by the time the Overview & Scrutiny Committee meets on 6 March. It seems that there will be two options upon which to vote. 1] Houses and a school site; 2] Houses. Asked by PCllr Mrs Delise Ball how he will represent this Council at the meeting, Cllr Bastable stated that he would oppose both options. CB/PCllr Mrs Sue Clark stated that the decision made by CBC was a bad one. No-one was aware that they were proposing a school when the vote took place, and had this been fully understood, it would have been opposed by both ward councillors. PCllr L Pollock proposed that representatives of the Lower School be invited to April committees to discuss options for the school; this was agreed.
9.2. CB/PCllr Mrs Sue Clark reported that the white lines and ‘in’ and ‘out’ signs are to be installed at the site of the Co-op, and undertook to forward the e-mail trail from Patrick Connelly.

10. HIGHWAYS. Written reports passed to the Clerk for action.

11. DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS: Meeting of the Finance & Grants, General Purposes, Environment, Burial Ground, and Planning Committees: 6th March 2013 at 7.30pm; Quarterly Surgery 13th March, meeting of the Full Parish Council, 20th March 2013 at 8.00pm.

The meeting closed at 9.35pm

Signed Chairman…………………………………………………….. Date…………………………………..

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