Thursday 28 March 2013

Arise you starlings from your slumbers

Check news reports pf the RSPB garden bird survey. Sparrows and starlings are in trouble it says. Read RSPB Birdwatch

The birds have been studiously avoiding my bird table and fat ball container all winter - despite refreshing it from time to time. Things are slightly better in the summer but then the wood pigeons dominate. Like great military transports they flop down on the table roof and on the table itself hoovering everything up. 

Then I bought a half coconut shell filled with fat and seeds. Every starling from the Vale must have assembled and there was dense frenzied black ball of feathered greed as they emptied it in 10 minutes. Never again. We get passing tits and chaffinches but no abundance. The cat installation last year probably hasn't helped. I hope the birds are all right but I'm never going to worry about starlings

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