Sunday 3 March 2013

School needs

I'm hoping that we will have representatives of the Lower School Academy governing body come to a Parish Council meeting in April to talk about how the school copes with the 520 extra houses that are in the pipeline for the next few years (370 Home Farm, 135 Central Motors and 20 at 1 and 2 The High St).

This is not just about the appalling mess which Central Beds is in danger of creating in Flitt Leys. It is also a matter of looking at all the options for educational expansion in the village and hearing what governors are thinking about themselves. As far as I am aware they have not taken any decision. Cranfield is fortunate in having educational facilities right up to the age of 13 but these need to be developed to cope with the planned increased demand. 

In that respect I have received a letter along with senior councillors at Central Beds and the Parish Council, about Shelton Lower School. It's from the chair of governors at Shelton Lower School, Marian Palmer pointing out the strong record of the school and asking if it has potential to supply some of that growing educational need. This will come up at Parish Council and hopefully we can discuss it in the context of the presentation by the Academy next month. I think we need to keep an open mind about all the options as the village grows.

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