Friday 1 March 2013

OK because an officer says its OK

Central Motors (Flitt Leys Close Lower School)  is coming back to CBC's Overview and Scrutiny Committee. I have written as follows to the head of sustainable communities at the Council Gary Alderson:

Dear Mr Alderson
I believe that the proposed development brief, for the 135-homes plus a school scheme at Central Motors in Cranfield, has been referred back to the Council’s Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee, by the Executive.

It was originally passed by them, after significant misgivings, after officers stated that with a traffic management scheme the Flitt Leys Close access would be capable of handling the traffic including school buses. You will know from my previous correspondence that there is widespread scepticism about this contingency in the village.

We are regularly told by our ward councillors that the officers have confirmed that this solution is workable and therefore it is hard to oppose the development brief.

If I was sitting on OSC I would be asking for more detail about the type of traffic management scheme that would be introduced and for professional examples of where it has been used before and what the evaluation has been. Please accept my apologies if you have already supplied councillors with this information. I would also like to see some citations and examples regarding the ‘on-off’ parking proposals outlines at the meeting in January and how this fits with disability and access protocols.

I, personally, and I believe many in the village, cannot simply accept that everything will be OK because an officer says it will. I am sure your decision has been based on considerable professional expertise and it would be good for local democracy if you shared that with those likely to be affected by the decision.

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