Saturday 9 March 2013

The pothole breeding season

The potholes are popping out again. The make do and mend solutions of 12 to 18 months ago have no staying power. This is clear from the latest customer service bulletin.

One parishioner's plea is to the point. It was sent last November:

"College Road and University Way are it a terrible state and have had potholes for many months, long before I contacted you, so I would have thought these areas would take priority but you say it won’t be until the next few weeks, well that’s Christmas and the New Year when nothing will be done, and if the weather continues like it has been goodness knows what sort of state the roads will be.    I heard in the media yesterday the amount of extra money it is costing because of contractors are not repairing the roads correctly, and this is what has happened to College Road and University Way, I can’t remember how many time they had been patched in and broken away. "

Other parishioners have sent in reports. Highways responses are in bold. These are just a few of the pothole reports:

At least 9 separate potholes, varying in depth from 5cm to 10cms.  Approximate dimensions in centimetres: 43x37, 98x72, 24x16, 66x32,  27x12, 46x46, 150x30, 92x84, 94x60.

thanks for the info, the safety inspector will be assessing this road early next week.

Pothole has opened up next to the fire hydrant cover outside of 'Greens Close', this was reported and filled CRN 164203  Please can this be inspected as customer advises that this has started to fail. Thanks

is being monitored

There are a number of potholes that have recently appeared on Crane Way.They are close to house numbers 6 and 8 and also near the junction with Lordsmead.

Safety inspectors have assessed site and area is not dangerous as yet but will be monitored

Court Road: square, 570mm long, 290mm, wide, 40mm deep  square, 420mm long, 390mm wide, 70mm deep

an order has been raised to repair these defects, although delayed due to the snow.

I drove along Court Road this morning and was surprised to see how many potholes and other bad surface defects there were along the section between the High Street junction and the Rectory Lane junction.

an order has been raised to repair.

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