Friday 19 April 2013

Why were we not told?

Agreed by Parish Council on Wednesday evening - from the report of the planning committee held on 3 April

1. Flitt Leys Close. PCllr L Pollock expressed concern regarding the report back from CB/PCllr A Bastable that the cost of finding a site elsewhere for the school (around £2 million) was a factor in approving the brief against strong local opposition. 

This factor was apparently known to council officers and some councillors for some time but ward councillors were not informed. Two scrutiny committee debates took place without this being disclosed. One of these meetings discussed a choice of the brief with or without a school but we now understand that the no-school option was not in fact an option. A number of parish councillors had been back and forth to speak at various meetings which unbeknown to them, was a waste of time. 

It was RECOMMENDED therefore that a letter is written to the Chief Executive of Central Bedfordshire Council, with a copy to the Leader of the Council, J Jameson, and ward councillors, to ask for an explanation firstly of how the Parish Council, local people and ward councillors were significantly misled for so long about a substantive fact of matter. Secondly it should also explain why the cost of finding suitable land for education expansion is to be met by the village – not developers – unless an entirely unsuitable site is accepted.

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