Sunday 24 February 2013

Wind energy noise and health issues

The Parish Council Wind Energy Working Party has come up with some further links that look at noise and environment issues.

Low Frequency and Infrasound Noise

For a comprehensive low frequency and Infrasound study by a member of the Institute of Engineering Noise Control (International membership)

For a similar study carried out jointly by four independent firms of acousticians in Wisconsin.

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) In Australia has become so concerned that they are to begin the first ever Government backed study into low frequency and infrasound emissions around the Waterloo Wind Farm, in northern South Australia, later this year. and also as reported on Australia's TV network.

Link to Dr Alec Salt's presentation paper to Inter-Noise Symposium in New York 2012 regarding link between LF and Infrasound from turbines and subsequent medical conditions with biological explanation.  Dr Salt is working at Washington University Medical School.

How large birds of prey can suffer birdstrike due to large diameter fast moving blade tips.  Strike is about 2 mins into video. (upsetting). Relevant to us due to buzzard population.
Decimation of bat populations and findings of how bats actually die due to instant negative pressure behind turbine blades.

Legal and PPS22
Why it is legitimate for Authorities to consider matters outside the constraints of the ETSU-R-97 noise standard.

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