Thursday 21 February 2013

graves and headstones

Here are the minutes of the last burial grounds committee.  If you are new to the blog or the PC this might sound not very inviting but fierce passions are aroused by the state of our cemetery (whether good or bad I might add). 

The committee is also responsible for the war memorial, the church clock and the churchyard grounds maintenance. For reasons I cannot fathom we also do the churchyard wall. I assume this was something in magna carta.

In Attendance:  R J Davey-Hunt, Clerk.
Apologies for absence:  CBCllr/PCllrs:  
Declarations of interest:  There were no declarations.
1.      Memorial Garden. 
1.1.   Quotations received for replacing Chamomile lawn:
1.1.1.  Alan Reynolds                                             £280.00 – no VAT
1.1.2.  All Green Landscapes                              £450.00 + VAT
1.1.3.  In-Trim Gdn. & Grnds. Maint.               £400.00 + VAT
1.1.4.  Warner’s of Bedford                              £275.00 + VAT
1.2.   It was RECOMMENDED that the quotation in the sum of £280.00 from Alan Reynolds be accepted.

2.      Baby burial area.  It was RECOMMENDED that PCllr G Young would look again as the proposed project and put forward ideas to the Committee in March.  This follows research carried out by PCllrs Mrs Delise Ball and L Pollock which resulted in the conclusion that the project is not suitable for Cranfield Cemetery.  PCllr Mrs Ball did however express the opinion that it would be good to have the babies buried in the same area if it was the wish of the parents and if an appropriate scheme emerges.  PCllr L Pollock suggested that it may be more appropriate to re-consider adding to or revising the Cemetery Rules to give the opportunity to create guidelines around child burial.

3.      Churchyard Path.  The Rev Hugh Symes-Thompson writes to ask whether the £5000.00 held in this Council’s budget for 2013-4, allocated for the resurfacing of the north vehicular access path, is still available for use, what conditions apply and what work is proposed to be done and by whom.  Once this information is to hand he says, the matter will brought forward for consultation/approval by the PCC and if necessary a faculty (authorisation by the diocese for structural works) can be applied for.  It was RECOMMENDED  that the Clerk writes to confirm that the money is still available as a contribution for the re-surfacing of the north path, on condition that the path is suitable for purpose, and that this Council has sight of a detailed specification for the work before it is commissioned.  

4.      Supply of pea shingle for churchyard paths.  It was RECOMMENDED that this Council will provide pea shingle for application to the churchyard pathways.  The Clerk undertook to ask what quantity and colour is required.

5.      Topple testing – Churchyard.
5.1.   Came & Company writes in response to this Council’s request for information regarding insurance relating to the inspection of gravestones in the Churchyard of St Peter and St Paul’s Church and has provided guidelines on burial ground memorials for reference and information. In relation to members of the PCC undertaking inspections of the grave stones, Andrew Bedding states that:
5.1.1.  On the basis the Parish Council accepts responsibility for the safety of the headstones and is happy to use the services of the volunteers from the Parochial Church Council to undertake the checks the Parish Council’s policy will operate in the event of injury or damage arising from this activity.
5.1.2.  The Employers’ Liability Insurance provided by the policy will protect the Parish Council should the volunteers sustain an injury during the course of their duties and they can successfully prove that the Parish Council has failed to provide an adequate duty of care.
5.1.3.  In order to reduce the prospects of a successful claim we recommend that risk assessments are completed in writing and kept on your records. The Parish Council should ensure the volunteers are competent to carry out the tasks expected of them.  
5.1.4.  If aged under 80 they will also be automatically covered under the Personal Accident Insurance section of the policy for the benefits listed on the policy schedule.
5.1.5.  The Public Liability Insurance section of the policy will operate should the volunteers’ work lead to loss, injury or damage being sustained by a member of the public and the Parish Council is considered to be legally liable.
5.2.   The Clerk reported that she has written to Judicium to ask that a risk assessment is created for topple testing by the PCC in the churchyard, and for topple testing carried out by members of this Council for headstones in Cranfield Cemetery.

6.      Topsoil Storage.  Following problems experienced last year with the supply of topsoil, it was RECOMEMNDED that a top soil storage area is created in the Cemetery.  It was further RECOMMENDED that the Clerk seeks advice from A Reynolds, and PCllr L Pollock contacts Maurice Rust to discuss storage methods.

7.      Reports:
7.1.   Cemetery Superintendent Doug Parish will be on holiday from the 10th – 24th May.  This will be covered by Roy Phillips and PCllr G Young.  Mr Parish has requested holiday in April also, 19th, 20th and 21st – the Clerk has written to Roy Phillips to ask if he can cover.
7.2.   War Graves.  This Council has an income from a fund arising from “The Coleman Bequest”. The Fund comprises 189 shares in the Central Board of Finance of The Church of England Investment Fund. It returns a dividend of approximately £90 per annum; the shares have a value of approximately £2,000.  The income from the bequest is for churchyard maintenance.   The dividends are paid direct to the Parish Council each year.
7.3.   Judicium Consulting have written a risk assessment for accessing the church tower for the purpose of monitoring/maintaining the clock.  The document was forwarded to all Members on the 4th February.  The assessment is still under review, and will be brought back to committees when a final draft has been produced.
8.      Correspondence: 
8.1.   The Rev Hugh Symes-Thompson writes in response to this Council’s request for written confirmation that topple testing is formerly undertaken by the PCC twice yearly.  He states the PCC will consider this at their next meeting and give a formal response and also asks if any voluntary actions by the PCC are protected from liability or costs.   The Clerk has asked advice from this Council’s insurers.  In light of the advice received from this Council’s insurers, it was RECOMMENDED that this Council writes to the Rev. Hugh Symes-Thompson to advise that they may continue with topple testing in the Churchyard.

9.      Agenda Items:   Wild flower area – churchyard, Maintenance of War Memorial garden and cemetery memorial garden, Risk assessments – church tower and churchyard topple test, Baby burial area, Cemetery fees.

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