Friday 22 February 2013

Care of the elderly

I've been sceptical in the past about how CBC will make cuts to its budget while ensuring that elderly people get the support and care they need.  You are entitled to read what James Jamieson leader of CBC says about it in The Times and Citizen out this week. 

The CBC project for supported flats is commendable and I hope his pledge to roll it out across Central Beds bears fruit. 

I'm not sure the council's 'reablement' programme helping people get back on their feet and gain independence is anything new. It's called occupational therapy and its been around for ever. 

My biggest concern is the quality of domiciliary care which is having costs reduced. Domicilary care workers, everywhere, are already run ragged dashing hither and thither for 15 or 20 minute stop overs with elderly people. Driving down the costs will only reduce the quality further. 

I'm sure James will point to some positive inspection reports.  But then Hackney and Mid Staffs also got great reports at one time. It didn't stop disasters. Anyway, read James's piece and make up your own mind. And watch out for your elderly neighbour.

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