Tuesday 1 October 2013

Bedfordshire Police to recruit 80 constables

Well its maybe good news but only to stand still. The only point I will make is about Commissioner Martins's  comment that the retirements were unexpected. The big surge in recruitment in the late 70s caused by a favourable pay review is now filtering through into 30-year retirements. Added to that is the fact that historically, police pensions were paid out of current revenue (not an accumulated fund) which meant as the number of retirements grew so did the financial pressure. Crazy. 

From BBC
Eighty constables are being recruited by Bedfordshire Police over the next year after more officers than expected left during the spending cuts.
The force is about 50 below strength and 32 more officers are leaving soon.
Police and Crime Commissioner Olly Martins denied the force had got its sums wrong, saying the number of officers that recently retired or left after 30 years was unanticipated. Chief Constable Colette Paul said the force had recently been "stretched". Since 2010, the number of officers at Bedfordshire Police had been reduced from 1,248 to 1,092 up until March this year.

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