Sunday 4 November 2012

Sense of stile

This might be dead boring to some but I know plenty of people in the village who are red hot on rights of way.

In England rights of way come before land ownership and that has to be vigorously protected.  You won't lose them if you don't use them but regular use of rights of ways stops landowners allowing paths to be come overgrown, stiles blocked off and disagreeable semi-feral animals let loose to pester you. So please read carefully

From: Jonathan Woods []
Sent: 24 October 2012 16:49
Subject: T&PC - Public Consultation for Outdoor Access Improvement Plan 2013-2023

I am writing to you to make you aware of a our Outdoor Access Improvement Plan Consultation. The Council would very much like your feedback, comments and if possible your support, for our work in this area.

The Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 gave Local Authorities a statutory duty to publish and review, at least every ten years, a ‘Rights of Way Improvement Plan’.  The Outdoor Access Improvement Plan 2013-2023 (OAIP) will fulfil this duty and provide policies and actions which will aim to create greater access to the countryside, achieve a wide range of associated social and economic benefits, protect the environment and help people and communities to explore, understand and get involved with Central Bedfordshire’s countryside. The Plan will up-date and replace the existing OAIP 2006 – 2011.

Countryside sites and access to the wider countryside is a central component of providing sustainable communities, ensuring that Central Bedfordshire is seen as a green and pleasant place to live and work. This Plan will act as the cornerstone ‘strategy’ for the Council’s countryside sites and outdoor access management and for the delivery of services. Establishing work streams and projects for a 10 year period from 2013 to 2023.

The OAIP will form part of a suite of documents, which will plan, deliver and manage countryside access and greenspace in Central Bedfordshire. These include the Leisure Strategy, Green Infrastructure Plans and the Development Strategy.

The OAIP Action Plan details the medium term priorities, drawn out from the main themes of the OAIP.  The Action Plan will detail the work streams and projects, with timescales and the resources required for delivery.

Over the next 12 weeks we will be seeking feedback on this plan from service users.  The feedback period will be open until 12:00 midday, 18 January 2013

The Council's Countryside Access Team will be on hand to talk to the public about the proposals at:
Biggleswade Library on the 23rd November (10am  - 4pm)
Flitwick Library on the 6th December (10am  - 4pm)
Leighton Buzzard Library on the 9th January (10am  - 4pm)
The full plan, a summary document and a questionnaire are available on the website or contact:

Jonathan Woods – Access Development Team Leader
Highways Strategy and Countryside Access Service
0300 300 6607

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