Tuesday 13 November 2012

Loss of council tax benefit

The following is a recommendation to the full parish council. It is still subject to checking for typos and inaccuracies and has to be confirmed on 21 November. 

Since I wrote most of it I will says it looks accurate. Council tax in Central Beds is  £1,596.45  for Band D - that's nearly £160 a month over the 10 months they collect it.

The Government is planning to remove council tax benefit and delegate it to local councils who will decide which categories of vulnerable people will receive a  rebate, or not.

Central Beds' consultation is suggesting support could be withdrawn from the following groups (parish council comments in brackets)

·       receive Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance (unemployed or unable to work)
·       receive Employment and Support Allowance (suffering serious illness or injury)
·       have low earnings or income (in poverty). 

The general purposes committee is recommending that:

·      This Council notes these criteria and cannot support the proposals that justify themselves by supposedly ‘incentivising’ ill (both physical and mental), jobless and poorly paid people to work.  Individuals in these categories should continue to receive support.
·      This Council does not support the charging of council tax when the property is in possession of the mortgagees if this adds to the debtor’s hardship.
·      This Council suggests that if CBC presses ahead, any contribution levied should be a maximum of 25 per cent, not a minimum.

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