Wednesday 21 November 2012

Parish Council 21 November

One for the anoraks this morning (though given the weather outside that's appropriate ho ho). Full parish council takes places tonight and it will approve the minutes of the last full parish council and the committees two weeks ago. Here are all the minutes. Note the report of the Persimmon/Woods Hardwick presentation on Home Farm in the planning minutes


In Attendance:  Mrs R J Davey-Hunt

1.            To receive apologies for absence: PCllrs:  D Allan, A Bastable, A Morris, Mrs Laura Moore.
2.            To receive declarations of personal and/or prejudicial interests in any matter.  PCllrs G Young, M Phillips and L Pollock declared an interest in the matter relating to the Party in the Park Accounts, Finance & Grants Committee report.  PCllr P Meadows declared an interest in the planning application relating to the Carpenters Arms.
3.            To confirm the minutes of the last meeting dated 19th September 2012; RESOLVED that the minutes of that meeting (previously circulated) be confirmed as a true record.

4.            Clerks Report
4.1.    With Members’ agreement, the Christmas tree will be ordered during the first week in November, and the associated electrical works commissioned.  As in previous years, the grasscutting contractor will be asked to dress the tree.  The lights will be switched on [unless otherwise instructed] on 1st December.  It was suggested that ‘switching on event’ is organised for 1st December, the matter to be discussed at the next meeting of the General Purposes Committee.

5.            Health and Safety
5.1.    The Health and Safety Annual Review dated 14th August 2012 is now complete.  It was RESOLVED that the document is approved by this Council, and signed by the Chairman, Mrs Delise Ball.  The outstanding actions are: 
5.1.1.    Hotchcroft – consider the overall safety and security of this park due to its poor location, access/egress and lighting.  Also, it was noted that the park appears neglected and little used, there are low overhanging branches and areas of slippery moss on the paths.   It was confirmed that the branches in the area have been lopped, and RESOLVED that the pathway is checked by In Trim Garden and Grounds Maintenance.  Further, it was RESOLVED that members would look at the area and comment
5.1.2.    Church Clock – ensure council members accessing the church clock adopt the risk assessment recommendations and safety procedures provided by the church.  The clerk contracted the PCC, and it appears that the Church have no risk assessment in place.  The Clerk has therefore contacted Judicium advising of the layout of the church tower and Judicium has undertaken to write a risk assessment on this Council’s behalf.
5.2.    Play area inspection:  No report received.

6.            Reports from Committees:
6.1.    General Purposes Committee.   The Council received a report, read by the Clerk, from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that with the following amendment, the report is approved and recommendations therein be accepted. 
6.1.1.    Highway Maintenance Four Year Programme 2013 – 17 – consultation.  CBCllr K Matthews reported that he, CB/PCllrs Mrs Sue Clark and A Bastable had considered the programme and inspected the sites.  One or two additions were made, and the list prioritised – the response was submitted and accepted.
6.1.2.    Item 2  Photographic Competition.  The second recommendation in item two to be withdrawn (no gift to be given to the judge of the competition).
6.1.3.    CBC writes by email inviting comment on its consultation on the Draft Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Central Bedfordshire, copy of the draft strategy and questionnaire attached. Deadline for comments; Monday 29th October 2012.  Also, there are two consultation events taking place on: 15th October - Dunstable Fire Station, Dunstable, and 25th October - The Rufus Centre, Flitwick.  PCllr P Meadows, having read the document, advised members that the document is good – it includes issues such as obesity, dementia, mental health etc., however, it could add the use of music for Alzheimer’s sufferers.  It was RESOLVED that the Clerk should submit a response to include the comments made by PCllr P Meadows.
6.2.    Burial Grounds Committee.  The Council received a report from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report is approved.
6.3.    Environment Committee. The Council received a report from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report is approved [with the following amendment] and recommendations therein be accepted.  
6.3.1.    Item 4.  Village Greening.  Remove ‘and to enhance the University end of the village’.
6.4.    Planning Committee and additional planning matters.  The Council received a report from the Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report is approved and recommendations therein be accepted.
6.5.    Extraordinary meeting of the Finance & Grants Committee. The Council received a report from the Vice Chairman of the Committee (minutes previously circulated); it was RESOLVED that the report is approved and recommendations therein be accepted.   .

7.            FINANCIAL MATTERS AND ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT.  Accounts for payment. 
7.1.    It should be noted that the schedule of payments includes a cheque payable to Wicksteed Leisure Limited for the new toddler play equipment and wet pour.  The previous cheque was cancelled as it included payment for the ‘call off’ spares.  This invoice is not due, and should be paid as and when spares are required.
7.2.     In consideration of the above, and having heard the comments and a proposal that the accounts schedule [previously circulated] is approved for payment from the Chairman of the Finance and Grants Committee; RESOLVED that those accounts detailed in Appendix be approved for payment.

8.            CORRESPONDENCE. 
8.1.    PCllr L Pollock writes as follows I have been on the parish council for more than nine years and have found it both rewarding and sometimes very demanding. The issues which confront our community come thick and fast and it seems like only the parish council offers a response and an influence. 
At the moment I am under considerable pressure in terms of my professional workload but I am reluctant to leave the parish council. I am, therefore seeking members' agreement to a six months leave of absence. I hope, during that time, the work-life balance issues will resolve themselves and I can take an active part again
8.2.    PCSO Juliet Wright forwarded the September/October crime statistics for Cranfield.  Details as follows:
·     21st September – Criminal damage has occurred at the recreation ground in Cranfield whereby graffiti has been carried out on the shelter.  This graffiti is permanent and will not wash off.  There is no cctv and no witnesses.
·     27th September – Wood End Road, Cranfield.  Power tools were stolen from an outbuilding at the location.  There is no cctv and no witnesses.  A crime prevention visit was offered but this was declined.
·     1st October – Cranfield University.  At a work place location at the university a passport and driving licence have been stolen.  The items were left out on a desk and there were many visitors during the day.  There was no cctv and no witnesses.
·     6th October – Mill Road, Cranfield.  A burglary occurred at the location in which a jemmy was used on the wooden front door.  Numerous high value electrical items were stolen.  House to house enquires were carried out but there were no witnesses and no cctv.
·     6th October –Washingleys, Cranfield.  A burglary occurred at the location in which entrance was gained by an insecure gate and insecure kitchen door.  A lap top was stolen.  House to house enquiries were carried out but again no witnesses and no cctv.
·     10th October – Lincroft, Cranfield.  Theft from a rented property in which the tenant left the property but had removed the hot water cylinder tank in the airing cupboard.  On-going investigations are being carried out.
·     15th October – Theft from Budgens in which a large amount of alcohol was taken.  There was no cctv and no witnesses.
Anti-Social Behaviour Incidents
·     22nd September – Noise nuisance following a party at Cranfield Football Club.  No action taken.
·     27th September – Holywell Road, nuisance motorcyclists at location.  Officers attended the scene and there was no trace of the bikes.
·     28th September – Flitt Leys, parking obstructions were reported with residents having problems getting their vehicles out.  Officers attended the scene and on his arrival there were no obstructions.
·     9th October – Cranfield Lower School, incident was reported of dangerous driving in the location of the school.  Details were taken from all parties and the matter was dealt with by restorative justice.
·     11th October – Lincroft, Cranfield.  Reports of a vehicle that may have been abandoned.  Vehicle was checked out and all in order.  Registered to a local owner.
·     11th October – Millards Close, Cranfield.  Reports of on-going neighbour dispute.  Both parties visited and no further incidents reported.
It was noted by members that there were incidents occurring within Cranfield that do not appear on the crime report.  Some of the incidents talked of in the village are serious.  The Clerk undertook to ask if there is a reason for this.
8.3.    Andrew Pearson (PCC) writes to advise that although the church architect needs to be involved in the repair of the church wall, it is the Parish Council that needs to contact him providing a quote/specification for the work.  Contact details:  Michael Clews, Acanthus Clews Architects, Acanthus House, 57 Hightown Road, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 9BE

9.1.    CB/PCllr Mrs Sue Clark reported:
9.1.1.    that she, PCllrs Mrs Delise Ball and R Baker met with Patrick Connelly to discuss the work carried out following the near completion of the traffic calming measures.  Action is to be taken to check all gullies in the coming week (commencing 22nd October), and a ‘snagging’ list has been passed to Mr Connelly who undertook to return to site to inspect once all work is completed.  It was RESOLVED that an article should be put into Cranfield Express to update residents on the above actions.
9.1.2.    that, included in the CBC Parking Strategy is the following:
                                           *     No parking on verges unless there is no alternative
                                           *     Parking on footpaths is permissible providing there is room for buggies, wheelchairs etc.
                                           *    Minimum requirements for parking relating to new builds will be: one bedroom, one parking space; two bedrooms, two parking spaces; 3 bedrooms, three parking spaces, four bedrooms, four parking spaces.
                                           *    Minimum widths for garages
9.2.    CBCllr K Matthews reported:
9.2.1.    The educational standard for the lower and middle schools has greatly improved.  Central Bedfordshire’s middle and primary schools has seen the area’s best ever results at Key Stage 2.  Overall the number of children achieving at least level four in maths and English has increased by ten per cent. The numbers achieving level five or above are equally impressive, with increases of ten per cent in maths and 14 per cent in English.  Around 94 per cent of schools in Central Bedfordshire saw improvements, with over 50 per cent seeing increases of at least ten per cent on the number of pupils achieving level four or above in maths and English.  At stage 1, Central Bedfordshire is the best performing in the country, and one of the top ten authorities in the Country overall.
9.2.2.    The lower school needs to expand, various locations are being considered; consultants are looking into the feasibility of the sites.

10.        HIGHWAYS.  Written reports passed to the Clerk for action.  

DATES OF NEXT MEETINGS:  Meeting of the General Purposes, Environment, Burial Ground, and Planning Committees: 7th November at 7.30pm; meeting of the Full Parish Council, 21st November 2012 at 8.00pm.

In attendance:  six members of the public, John Hove, Mr Paul Stones [Persimmon Homes], Paul Burrell [Pegasus Group], Jason Leonard and Gary Surkitt [Woods Hardwick] and Annabel Gammell [CBC] Steven Smith and Jeff Streule [Denison Instruments], and Mrs R Davey-Hunt, Clerk,
Apologies for absence:  PCllr/ (CBCllr]:  Mrs Sue Clark and L Pollock.

Before the meeting started, representatives from Persimmon Homes, Pegasus Group and Woods Hardwick presented a proposed new planning application which would enable the Home Farm Development to move forward.  It was explained that the land upon which the footpath linking the village to the new development is not owned, nor is there an option to buy, on the land belonging to Denison Instruments.

The alternative scheme, which puts the community facility facing onto Court Road, and the footpath taking a long diversion around the Denison land, was put to members for consideration.  It was noted that the development is reduced by 20%, as the houses intended for the Denison land are not included in the new application; it follows that if the application was approved, the planning gain would also be reduced by 20%.  Further the allocation per house has since been reduced, thus this would bring down the planning gain further.

The proposed timeline for the new application is:  Public consultation before Christmas; submission of application in the New Year.

1.     General Planning Matters.  The applications were deferred to the meeting of the Full Parish Council.

2.     Home Farm. See above

3.     Parking.  PCllrs P Meadows and D Allan attended a meeting with CBC to discuss the management of parking in the village.  At the meeting it was agreed that the attendees would write a report on where lines can be placed to indicate where cars can park.  It will include the marking of pavements to show how far onto the pavement they can encroach.  PCllr D Allan explained that people will park on the pavement anyway, but that by marking a line on the pavement, it can be controlled to enable safe passage of pedestrians, buggies and wheelchairs.  The report will be presented to Members in January 2013.

4.     Budget Items – as last year.

5.     Reports:   

5.1.   CB/PCllr Mrs Sue Clark advised that there will be a meeting with DLA on behalf of Bellway Homes, relating to the Central Motors site, on 13th November, to discuss the plans.  The meeting will be held at Holywell Middle School, from 4.00pm to 6.00pm.

6.     Correspondence: 
6.1.   CBC writes to advise of the new postal addresses for the conversion at 11 Mill Road, as follows:
6.1.1.  Local Government Act 1985, Street Naming and Numbering - Flat 1 (f/f rear): Flat 1, 11 Mill Road, Cranfield MK43 0JG.  Flat 2 (f/f front): Flat 2, 11 Mill Road, Cranfield MK43 0JG.  Site plans and correspondence forwarded to all members on the 16th October 2012.

7.     Agenda Items. Parking (January committees)

In Attendance:  Ms Mrs R J Davey-Hunt and Mr P Haddon
Declarations of interest CBCllr/PCllrs:    There were no declarations.
Apologies for Absence PCllrs:  Mrs Sue Clark, L Pollock
1.     Consultation: Draft Local Council Tax Support Scheme for Central Bedfordshire. Cllr Maurice Jones (CBC) writes regarding the consultation which is in line with Government regulations, using the current rules for Council Tax Benefit as a starting point.   Deadline for responses is 14th November 2012.  PCllr L Pollock submitted to members for approval, a draft response as follows:
1.1.    CBC’s consultation documents states that the housing benefit scheme should:
·        be affordable – so that council tax payers and services don’t suffer
·        require people to make a fair contribution – those who can pay, should pay
·        encourage people to earn a living - incentivise work
·        protect the most vulnerable.
It is noted also that the areas where support could be withdrawn are:
·        receive Income Support or Jobseekers Allowance (unemployed or unable to work)
·        receive Employment and Support Allowance (suffering serious illness or injury)
·        have low earnings or income (in poverty).
1.2.    The proposed response:
·        This Council notes these criteria and cannot support the proposals that justify themselves by supposedly ‘incentivising’ ill, jobless and poorly paid people to work.  Individuals in these categories should continue to receive support.
·        This Council does not support the charging of council tax when the property is in possession of the mortgagees if this adds to the debtor’s hardship.
·        This Council suggests that if CBC presses ahead, any contribution levied should be a maximum of 25 per cent, not a minimum.
It was RECOMMENDED that the proposed response be approved with the following additions:
·        Addition:  This Council does not support the charging of council tax when the property is in possession of the mortgagees if this adds to the debtor’s hardship.
·        Addition:  Illness to include both physical and mental.

2.     Short Breaks Statement consultation.  CBC writes regarding the Short Breaks Statement consultation September 2012- November 2012.   The Statement produced by Central Bedfordshire is in draft and has been circulated to all members via e-mail on the 6th September 2012 [the full details of the consultation are provided in the main document].  PCllr P Meadows advised members that the statement is generally good; however it should not exclude mental illness.  It was RECOMMENDED that this response be approved and forwarded to Central Bedfordshire Council.  Deadline for comments Friday 23 November 2012. 

3.     Photographic Competition.  Peter Haddon and PCllr A Morris will set a date for the competition once issues are resolved.  Now looking for a judge for the children’s pictures;   although adults can submit pictures, they will be for exhibition only.

4.     MUGA – PCllr J Brocklebank advised that a site visit has been arranged for Saturday 10th November.  There will be in attendance, two representatives from Colts FC, Kevin England, BFA; and PCllr J Savill.    Lisa White, CBC is unable to attend weekend meetings, however she advised that CBC will support the council in this matter, however, no funding will be available.  

5.     Christmas tree and associated costs.  The cost last year to install, dress and light the Christmas tree was:  Tree:  £300.00, Electrical connection/disconnection: £75.00.  It was RECOMMENDED that orders are raised for the supply and installation of a Norway Spruce Christmas tree, and for the electrical supply to be connected.  Costs not to exceed the budgeted amount.

6.     Budget items:  It was agreed that the following items should be considered for inclusion in the 2013-14 budget.
6.1.    New notice boards, and refurbishment of old boards
6.2.    Refurbishment of University bus shelter
6.3.    Photographic competition
6.4.    Timetable holders for bus shelters
6.5.    Street lighting
6.6.    Communications

7.     Reports:
7.1.    PCllr L Pollock advised by e-mail (circulated to all Members) that Professor Sir John O’Reilly will be leaving Cranfield University in February 2013 to take up a position for
the UK government as Director General of Knowledge and Innovation in the Department for Business.

8.     Correspondence. 
8.1.    NALC writes to advise that no precept should be formally approved until after the publication of the Draft Local Government Finance Report (early December, 2012). Each local council should also wait for the Tax Base figures to be issued by the Billing Authorities on 1st December, 2012.  All documents forwarded to members on the 30th October 2012.
8.2.    Maria Macrae writes highlighting her concerns regarding the recently installed traffic calming measures in the village.  Her letter was prompted by the recent road traffic accident which occurred at the lodge Road roundabout.   Ms Macrae says that the scheme does not cover the right places; the Lodge Road end of the village has been forgotten.  She suggests that smaller humps through the entire village High Street would be enough to slow the traffic to 30mph whilst keeping it flowing and asks to be informed as to whether anything is going to be done with the road going out of the village towards MK; the traffic through the village has obviously had priority for some reason.  Finally, it was suggested that the roundabout at Lodge Road entrance needs a rethink before someone is killed.  E-mail forwarded to all members on 2nd November 2012.
8.3.    Mr Maurice Rust writes to comment on the recently installed traffic calming measures; the main points are as follows:
8.3.1.  The steep incline and declines to the raised tables are dangerous – they need to be extended urgently before they cause accidents particularly in icy weather or when covered in snow.  Mr Rust asks why Central Bedfordshire Highways department constructed the platforms so high and with such short narrow inclines and declines; and why construct two raised humps in Crawley road so close together yet there is no speed humps in Bourne End Road, or from  Mill Road Junction leading the length of Bedford Road out towards Marston Hill, the area of Court Road around the Lower School area , the High Street leading from the village Green out of the village to  Lodge Road roundabout, all these roads are straight through roads where traffic speeds build up.
8.3.2.  The newly constructed mini roundabout at the junction of Mill Road, Crawley Road and Crane Way is very effective but why did they not construct a mini roundabout at the junction of Crane Way and Bedford Road. This junction is often a bottle neck with vehicles travelling from Bedford turning into Crane Way and from Crane way turning right into Bedford Road.  It was felt important enough to construct a mini roundabout at the junction of Lodge Road and the High Street so why not at Bedford Road and Crane Way, this road junction is far busier than Lodge Road particularly with all the University traffic that uses this road junction. 
8.3.3.  At the village green the buses now stop in the road causing a blockage, the bus shelter is now in the wrong place so people waiting for the buses have to stand in the pouring rain; why was a bus pull-in not constructed.    Letter circulated to all Members on 3rd November.
8.4.    Mr John Hawkins writes regarding the traffic calming in Crawley Road as follows:  Whilst I agree that the two raised tables/calming measures that have been constructed at the far end of Crawley Road serve their purpose, however once over the tables the traffic then speeds up until it reaches the junction of Mill Road/ Crane Way, and likewise in the other direction.  What is needed, is for at least two further raised tables to be constructed between Mill Road/ Crane Way and the raised tables that have been constructed at the lower end of Crawley Road, as was previously on the plans, this then would have controlled the traffic speed and therefore a more effective traffic calming scheme implemented.   Although after speaking to a neighbour I was informed that a table was to be erected by the playing field but was rejected by a Parish Councillor who lives close by, who I suppose is out to work all day and is not affected by the traffic.  In conclusion we now have a traffic calming scheme that is not fully fit for purpose in Crawley Rd/Broad Green.
8.4.1.  The Clerk undertook to reply to all correspondence relating to the traffic calming, confirming the following points:
·       The traffic calming measures were funded by a fixed s106 obligation agreement (agreed by CBC Planning Department), which came from development at the Tech Park/University.  The funding was specifically dedicated to traffic calming measures for High Street and Bedford Road.
·       The Lodge Road roundabout is not part of the traffic calming measures; it was constructed as part of the Home Farm development and agreed by Central Bedfordshire Council and the Highways Department.    
·       This Council is presently talking to Central Bedfordshire Council with regards to the 'niggles' which remain following installation of the traffic calming measures, and it is hoped that 'making good' will be undertaken as soon as possible.
·       Any complaints/comments regarding the recently installed traffic calming measures, Lodge Road roundabout, or queries regarding the s106 agreement, should be addressed to Central Bedfordshire Council.
8.5.    Louise Ashmore writes to advise that NALC has launched a national enquiry – the document ‘What next for localism’ received and forwarded to all members on the 3rd November.  Submission of ideas or comment on ideas already submitted is invited.
8.6.    Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue will be holding a series of forums to discuss the Community Risk Management Plan 2013-2017 and invites representatives of this Council to attend on Monday 19th November 2012 18:30 – 21:00 at Fire HQ. Southfields Road, Kempston MK42 7NR.  Invitation forwarded to all Members on 2nd November 2012.
8.7.    Dr E Cotton writes to invite representatives of this Council to the Village Hall AGM which will be held on Monday 12th November at 8.15pm in the hall when the VHMC will be pleased to present our accounts for the past year, a report on their activities and plans for future developments.

9.     Agenda Items: 

In Attendance:  R D Davey-Hunt (Clerk),

Apologies for absence:  CBC/PCllrs:  Mrs Sue Clark and L Pollock
Declarations of Interest: 

1.            Tree inspection and maintenance contract. 
1.1.    A quotation has been received from Apex Trees – all figures exclusive of VAT.
1.1.1.    The Maintenance contract is quoted on a menu basis as follows:
Removal of a tree             Max £1300.00      Min £80.00
Raising a crown            Max £  140.00      Min £15.00
Pruning                  Max £  543.00      Min £15.00
Wound treatment            Service not provided
Pests and disease control      Service not provided
Replacement            Max £  180.00      Min £40.00 (per tree)

1.2.    Quotation Received from Trim a Tree
1.2.1.    The Maintenance contract is quoted on a menu basis as follows:
Removal of a tree             Max £385.00
Raising a crown            Max £  85.00
Pruning                  Max £  275.00
Wound treatment            Service not provided
Pests and disease control      Service not provided
Replacement            Max £  185.00 (per tree)

1.3.    Quotation Received from Steve Dear Trees:

Removal of a tree
Raising a crown
Wound treatment
This would be carried out at £450.00 plus VAT per day = 2 Man team
Transit and Chipper
Remove all arisings from site
Pests and disease control

A charge would be made for the cost of chemicals used.
Labour would be free of charge (on the understanding that the contract to carry out the necessary tree works required is obtained by us)

This would be the cost of the tree / shrub and £25.00 + VAT per hour for planting.

1.4.    It was RECOMMENDED that the quotation from Trim a Tree is accepted; it was further RECOMMENDED that a minimum price quotation is requested.

2.            Digley Report and RFQ’s.  PCllr J Savill advised members that he is in the process of colour marking the report so that it may be sent out to suppliers/contractors for quotation.  The main contractors/ suppliers are:  Playdale, Wicksteed, and Caloo.

3.            Budget Items:  It was agreed that the following should be considered for inclusion for the 2013-14 budget:

3.1.    Grasscutting
3.2.    Play equipment (skate park)
3.3.    Play equipment repairs
3.4.    Village greening/planting
3.5.    Entry and exit at Broad Green

4.            Reports
4.1.    Rugby Posts.  Quotations received as follows:
4.1.1.    Wicksteed:  supply and installation of ‘Wildcats Premier Multi-Sport System – Chevron Goal c/w Rugby Posts for Broad Green has been received in the sum of  £10,534.00 excluding VAT.
4.1.2.    Miracle Design & Play - Supply and Install Goal Unit consisting of: football/rugby goal unit.  Project total £ 9,444.03
4.1.3.    DCM Surfaces quotation:  Supply and install Socketed Aluminium Football Rugby Combination - Goals, including football nets – all for the sum of £3,705.00.  Quotation circulated to all members on 3rd November.
4.1.4.    PCllr Mrs Delise Ball suggested that the placing of rugby posts would be a possible safety hazard if installed in Broad Green.  The High Street Recreation Ground would not be suitable as it may interfere with the football pitches which are heavily used by Colts FC.  It was therefore proposed and RECOMMENDED that the installation of rugby posts is disregarded.

4.2.    Broad Green Hedge:  Quotations received for work to reduce the height of Broad Green Hedge:
4.2.1.    Steve Dear Trees: Reduce Hedge to height of gate post.  Remove all arisings from site.  £650.00, VAT £130.00.
4.2.2.    Trim a Tree:  Reduce hedge to height of gate posts, make tidy, take away cuttings and dispose.  £790.00, VAT £158.00.
4.2.3.    It was RECOMMENDED that the quotation from Trim a Tree, in the sum of £790.00 is accepted.  PCllr Delise Ball asked that the contractor awaits an inspection of the hedge before he leaves the site.

4.3.    A petition has been received asking that this Council installs a skate park in the village.    PCllr J Savill reported that at the last Surgery, discussions were undertaken with representatives of the youth of the village; they agreed that a basic skate park would be acceptable.  It was RECOMMENDED that the installation of a skate park be agreed in principle – on the site of the old tennis courts in the Recreation Ground -  on condition that the young people requesting the park undertake to raise the money for the insurance (approximately £350.00).  PCllr Mrs Delise Ball undertook to work with them to help them fulfil the condition. 

5.            Correspondence. 
5.1.    CBC writes to advise that its Leisure Services section is undertaking the production of a suite of documents which together will comprise a comprehensive Leisure Strategy for the whole of Central Bedfordshire. Work is still underway on Chapter 1, the Built Facilities Assessment, as well as Chapter 2, Open Space and Recreation and Chapter 4, Physical Activity.  To support the preparation of Chapters 2 and 4, the completion of a short survey is requested. The deadline for submission is Tuesday 6th November 2012.  Correspondence and survey document circulated to all members on the 16th October 2012.
5.2.    Jonathan Talbot, Youth Worker, Groundwork Luton & Bedfordshire, writes advising that he has been approached by Lewis Jobbing regarding the possibility of a skate park in Cranfield, and asks if it would it be possible to have a discussion with the Council regarding the project.  It is possible that Groundwork may be in strong position to support the project.  It was RECOMMENDED that Mr Talbot is invited to the meeting of the Environment Committee in December to discuss the project.

5.3.    Jonathan Woods – Access Development Team Leader, CBC, writes to invite this Council to comment on its Outdoor Access Improvement Plan Consultation.  The Plan will act as the cornerstone ‘strategy’ for the Council’s countryside sites and outdoor access management and for the delivery of services, establishing work streams and projects for a 10 year period from 2013 to 2023.  The OAIP will form part of a suite of documents, which will plan, deliver and manage countryside access and greenspace in Central Bedfordshire. These include the Leisure Strategy, Green Infrastructure Plans and the Development Strategy.  The Council's Countryside Access Team will be on hand to talk to the public about the proposals at: Flitwick Library on the 6th December (10am - 4pm).  The full plan, a summary document and a questionnaire are available on the website .  Deadline for comments 12:00 midday, 18 January 2013.  Correspondence forwarded to all Members on the 3rd November.

5.4.    Laura Kitson, CBC writes to advise that there is funding available for green infrastructure projects. Green infrastructure is the network of green spaces, access routes, wildlife habitats, landscapes and historic features. The funding has come through ‘planning obligations’. Contributions are collected from developers by Central Bedfordshire for green infrastructure projects at a scale larger than the local improvements that developers would have to do as part of their developments. The projects must also benefit new housing developments and their residents.  If this Council is able to identify or develop suitable projects, the Marston Vale Trust may be able to discuss the project ideas and if considered appropriate, assist with developing applications, and carrying out environmental projects.  Details and Guidance on the funding forwarded to all members on 7th November. Applications to Central Bedfordshire Council by the 21st December.   It was agreed that there are no projects planned which will be suitable.

6.            Agenda items for next meeting. 

In Attendance:  R J Davey-Hunt, Clerk.
Apologies for absence:  CBCllr/PCllrs:   Mrs Sue Clark and L Pollock.
Declarations of interest: 
1.      Camomile Lawn – Memorial garden.  PCllr L Pollock proposed that a budget allocation be provided for modifying the memorial garden in the cemetery to replace the camomile. In October, Maurice Rust suggested that slate chippings on top of a membrane would give an attractive and low maintenance replacement.  He also identified some borders which could still be planted but could be kept weed-free more easily if an underlying membrane was laid down.  The proposed allocation figure would be £1500.00, but it is hoped that quotations would come in below this figure – work to be commenced in March 2013.  It was RECOMMENDED that the advice given by Mr Rust be accepted, and that quotes are obtained for the work to be carried out in April of 2013.

2.      Church Wall.  No quotations have been received for work to the Church wall.  One company has declined to quote, and another has requested to know the meterage of coping stone replacement – this contractor seems reluctant to visit the site.  Rev Hugh Symes-Thompson has undertaken to find out who last carried out the repairs to the wall, and PCllr G Young undertook to look for contractors who are able to carry out this type of work.

3.      Policy – Removal of Wreaths from War Memorial.  PCllr Mrs Laura Moore advised members’ that there is no set guidance for the removal of wreaths’ other than it should not be ‘too soon’ after they are laid.  PCllr D Allan understood to telephone British Legion Headquarters to ask for guidance.  PCllr V Cosbie-Ross suggested that the wreaths be removed when the Christmas tree is taken down on the 6th January.

4.      Cemetery Gates:  Work to the cemetery gates has been carried out; however, the contractor made a mistake and installed the gates to the ‘Option 2’ specification – onto steel posts.  PCllr Mrs Delise Ball has spoken with the contractor and has looked at the gates.  She reported that the finished work looks very good, and it offers a more permanent solution.  The contractor has offered to either:
4.1.   Carry out the work again to the Option 1 specification (without the steel supports).
4.2.   Leave as is and charge the work as per the Option 1 specification.
It was RECOMMENDED that 4.2 above is approved and the work carried out remains as is.

5.      Budget Items:
5.1.   £1500.00 – Replacement of Camomile Lawn with slate chippings, planting of borders
5.2.   Church Wall - £2000.00
5.3.   Clock maintenance
5.4.   Cemetery skip - £1500.00
5.5.   Child burial area - £5000.00
5.6.   North Path – churchyard £5000.00
5.7.   Water metre, etc.

6.     Reports:
6.1.   PCllr Mrs Delise Ball reported that Anglian Water arrived at the cemetery to cut of the water again.  Cllr Ball managed to avert the action, and arranged for AW to survey the area and install a meter.
6.2.   PCllr D Allan reported that the church clock is gaining a minute every day.  The Clerk undertook to write to Smith of Derby to let them know.

7.     Correspondence: 
7.1.   Hugh Symes Thompson has forward an e-mail trail which gives information relating to the proposed erection of a fence to the southern boundary of the churchyard, to be commissioned by Mr Phillip Dickins.  Copy of the e-mail forwarded to all members on 3rd November.

8.      Agenda Items:   Removal of wreaths.  Church Wall.

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