Wednesday 4 July 2012

Nice one Amey

Amey have written to the PC about our redundant bus stop at The Swan, disused since the sudden change of operator:

"As you’re probably aware the bus stop and shelter in Court Road are now redundant and disused as the service that used it has been discontinued. Picture and link below.
"We will be starting the traffic calming work soon in this area so it make sense to enquire as we wouldn’t want to prejudice any future aspirations that the Parish may have for the area. Initial thoughts that I had were, does the Parish have any views about the future of this bus shelter (which I understand belongs to the Parish and is located on Parish land)? Also once the works in the centre of the village are there any plans to open up the area by removing the railings that "currently protect the area around the War Memorial? "

I have been known to be critical of Amey in the past but I'm going to nominate them for a good management award on this for being proactive and giving us the chance to think how we might re-use unneeded resources.  And to think about the placing of the railings. Public views always welcome . Comment here or email



CranfieldResident said...

The bus shelter at the Swan is the only one in the village with seating. Perhaps Amey could transfer it somewhere else so people could sit down. Current bus shelters are almost useless - they keep out a little rain but not the wind and there's NOWHERE TO SIT DOWN for people like me who find it difficult to stand for any length of time. This is a big issue when the buses do not always keep to time.

Unknown said...

Point noted. We have struggled with the conflicting need for shelter (and seating) by bus users and the need for access by mobility scooter users