Saturday, 5 January 2013

University buses

Have you noticed the new Souls Bus services stopping  in the village?These are available for use by the public but commissioned by the University for its students. Click on Route 62 which runs to Milton Keynes and has a late service back from MK at 8.10 pm  plus Saturday and Sunday services. 

You can download the Bedford timetable at Route 61 by going on the google page - I can't get through to Souls website itself. It is more limited - Monday to Friday and no late services. However it is all progress and the University has invited the Parish Council to engage with it about a long term spec. The current contract is short term. We will be talking to the university and we are keen to hear any views about experiences and needs of local bus users. Personally I think we need something on Sundays and another late bus to or from Bedford. But its all in the melting pot.

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