Friday, 4 January 2013

Is Charlie Wells in a hump?

This is an unpleasant sight strolling down the High Street this morning. I'm sure I'm not the first to remark on it. Boarded up buildings quickly spread their blight.

The report from CBC about why residential planning permission had been refused stated: 

"The planning application to turn the former Carpenter's Arms into residential accommodation has been refused as the planning authority considered the proposed development would result in the loss of a significant facility in the centre of Cranfield, a minor service centre which will be subject to housing growth. Insufficient clearly substantiated evidence was provided by the applicant to demonstrate that there is no longer a need for such a facility, the loss of which would undermine community and sustainability objectives."

Now, I am the first to jump on the bandwagon for better community facilities but there needs to be some plan to make use of the available resources. We need context to this decision. I don't know if there is one at present but I'll check the usual sources.  It is bad enough our town centres looking shut up but there is absolutely no reason for this in Cranfield. Or is Charlie Wells in a hump?

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