Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The future of social housing in Central beds

See below - the message from CBC about future social housing and tenancies. For me the issue is the creation of more social housing for both those who are economically active and those who are not. 

Such developments are stigmatised these days because families or individuals facing the  biggest difficulties are assigned tenancies. The historical council estate - low rise, good gardens, filled with economically active tenants was in fact a building block of post war society. It was also a welcome change from private slum landlords. Note the closing date of 1 February if you are responding

We are reviewing our social housing tenancy arrangements in response to the Government’s plans to reform the social housing system. Central Bedfordshire Council has drafted a new Tenancy Strategy 2013-18 which sets out our proposed new arrangements and we would like to hear your views.

Key to the proposed changes is the removal of life time tenancies, in favour of time limited ones, known as fixed term tenancies. These would be offered for a set period of five years, and only extended if a tenant was still in need of the accommodation. Under the previous system social landlords were normally only able to grant lifetime tenancies, which meant that in some cases people remained in a social home, long after their need for it had passed. Meanwhile, there were people on a waiting list, unable to get a home they desperately needed.

The new fixed term tenancies will give the Council and social landlords the flexibility to make the best use of housing stock and focus provision on those who are most in need. At the end of the fixed term, tenants will be supported by the Council to consider a wide range of options, including remaining in their home, but also renting in the private sector, moving into another more suitable social housing property or moving into home ownership.

The proposed changes will not affect current tenants. Any new arrangements will come into effect for new applicants from April 2013.

The consultation is open until 1 February 2013. You can read all of the documents and give feedback online at

Paper copies of the consultation documents are available at the Council’s offices at Watling Housing in Dunstable; or alternatively can be obtained by contacting Mary Goodson, at the email address or telephone number below.

The Council’s executive will consider feedback at its meeting in March  before making a final decision.

Mary Goodson
Housing Policy Advisor

Central Bedfordshire Council  Watling House, High Street North, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 1LF
Direct dial: 0300 300 5515  |  Internal: 75515  |  Email: 

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