Monday, 7 January 2013

Central Motors and Flitt Leys traffic

The draft development brief for the 135-home Central Motors  site will be considered by Central Beds on Thursday 17 January.  You can see the agenda and full documents by going on the Central Bedfordshire website.  

Issues of parking capacity at Flitt Leys are acknowledged and there are plans to provide more. I haven't gone into this in detail at the moment but I have previously raised issues whether access to 135 homes plus a lower school can be accommodated. Think Lower school drop off and pick up at Court Road at the moment and imagine similar levels of traffic heading down Flitt Leys. That is the concern.

The introduction to the brief states:

One of the main comments received during the consultation sought clarification
regarding whether Flitt Leys Close could be considered an acceptable access to
the development site. Central Bedfordshire Council Highways officers have
revisited the site to reconfirm that the access is acceptable to serve 135
residential units, in addition to a lower school. The granting of planning
permission will require the provision of acceptable access.

41. During the consultation, a number of residents identified concerns with the large amount of parking currently on Flitt Leys Close. In response to these comments, the Development Brief has sought to identify additional parking for the residents of Flitt Leys Close.

42. During the public exhibition and the consultation, a number of residents sought
clarification regarding the exact nature of the lower school. Central Bedfordshire
Council education officers have confirmed that the site is sufficient to serve a
3FE lower school, including playing fields. The requirement for the school will be
developed through discussions with Central Bedfordshire Council education
officers and the local school governors.

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