Friday, 4 January 2013

Entitlement or what?

I was pleased  an interested to read the report below to the last PC meeting.  Just before Christmas a massive great 4x4 plonked itself on the new footpath between the Coop car park and the road. Sense of entitlement or what?
After discussion with Amey, post-traffic calming, IN and OUT signs are to be erected in the parking area at the Coop.  CBC enforcement has also offered to come out with a camera and issue tickets to cars on yellow lines between the road and the Co-op car park. 
There will be no bollards put on the grass verge, which was destroyed by a lorry as the bollards will be knocked over.  But bollards will be installed near to Budgens.
Work will be carried out in Crane Way to stop ponding.
Next week the PC will be considering whether to find the 50 per cent cost of building a pedestrian crossing in Mill Road.

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