Thursday 4 July 2013

Respectable skatepark seeks home

Great turnout of young skateboarders at parish council last night to hear Groundwork Luton and Bedfordshire, potential project managers for our skatepark scheme, give their presentation. Now before any itsy bitsy details let me just state that the PC is very committed to seeing a skatepark in the village. There has been a strong, well articulated desire for this from a sizeable body of young people who have repeatedly turned up at our dead boring meetings. 

There are still plenty of hoops including bidding for funding from Sport England and drawing up a detailed specification. Obviously siting is another decision which had been resolved, almost, by a proposal to put the park on the old tennis courts in the rec. However some casual footballers have come forward to say this is one of the few areas of  hardstanding on which they can kick a  ball around.

The Environment Committee (subject to confirmation by the  full parish council on 17 July) has proposed to draw up a shortlist of possible locations. These include elsewhere in the Rec, Broad Green, the Millennium Park and any site the uni thinks might be suitable. As they always say in the corridors of power - no final decision has been taken yet. 

Who are they?
Groundwork Luton and Bedfordshire has over seven years of experience delivering projects that use the environment as a catalyst for building a more sustainable future. Last year alone they delivered 200 projects across, Luton and Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and beyond, helping improve the quality of people's lives, their prospects and potential and the places where they live, work and play. Find them on facebook and twitter and check them out at Groundwork

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