Tuesday 30 July 2013

Double yellowing

So many cars and too few streets. That seems to be the problem. In residential streets it's too many cars parking but in high streets with local shops its too few, due to double yellow lines - so we are told. So the latest idea to encourage people to stay away from say, Kingston or Flitwick and shop locally is short term parking on the double yellows.  The BBC reports

Motorists could be allowed to park free of charge on double yellow lines for up to fifteen minutes under plans being considered to help boost High Streets.

Drivers in England could be given a "grace period" to pick up goods from shops or leave their cars in bays for longer without being fined.

While the Conservatives are keen on the idea, their Lib Dem coalition partners are understood to have reservations.

See BBC News for the full story including all the politics smoke and whistles. Cranfield PC reps will be meeting Central Beds'  Cllr Nigel Young and senior planners over at Chicksands later next month to find out how the Central Motors design brief  smuggled a school in. The big worry, obviously is traffic and parking given the tsunami-on-wheels nature of the school run these days. Cllr Young is portfolio lead for sustainable communities and ultimately takes responsibility for the Flitt Leys design (or undesign)  brief. Full report asap.

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