Saturday 23 June 2012

Nuts and bolts

Here are the reports to the June environment committee. Nothing earth shattering but everything is of interest or important to someone. The Parish Council conscientiously follows it all up.  
4.2.    Play Area Inspection.  The annual ROSPA inspection is due on 30th June 2012.
4.3.    Mr Richardson telephoned to say that the tree that this Council requested he remove (on his land), was felled and cleared a few weeks ago.  He has requested that this Council writes again to him to confirm that the tree has been felled and that he need take no further action.
4.4.   Resident writes asking that the alleyway between Lordsmead and Springfield Way be sprayed to control the weeds encroaching upon it. 
4.5.    Tree – Partridge Piece.  PCllr Delise Ball visited the site to inspect the tree.
4.6.    Tree - Little Spinney. Residents write to ask if the tree bordering their garden can be trimmed further.  The Clerk wrote to the PCSOs to ask for their involvement following the assumption of this Council that further trimming would not solve the problem of children climbing the tree and compromising the privacy of the residents.  The correspondents suggest that by removing two more branches all but the most determined of children would be deterred as the crown would then have been raised to the 9-10' suggested by them.  They go on to say that if it is a matter of cost, with this council's permission they would be happy to arrange for the removal of the two branches themselves at their own cost & risk.  It was RECOMMENDED that this Council gives permission for the residents to have the work carried out on condition that this Council specifies the contractor, and has sight of the specification for the work before it is undertaken. 
4.7.    Skateboard Park.  Sue Playford, Wootton PC writes to advise that they were recently approached by a group of youths regarding their existing facility - who said that they were unable to use it as it was not fit for purpose.  This group have since visited a number of other parks, and the PC has met with one supplier to get an idea of what they would like to see in Wootton.  At the present time, prices have not been discussed in full, as they are waiting on a specification design from the initial supplier.  To give a rough idea, the cost would be expected to start at around £18k, but (if council agree to take this forward) the choice between a metal park and concrete has yet to be made.  Concrete is more expensive. A meeting has recently been had with Monster Play.
4.8.    Caloo – repainting of the gym equipment was carried out on the 31st May 2012.
4.9.    It was reported that ‘No Parking Beyond This Point’ signs have been erected in Bowling Green Lane; these are believed to be unofficial.  The Clerk undertook to contact CBC to advise and to ask that they are removed.
4.10.  It was reported that the ‘Pinders Circus’ posters were not all removed.  The Clerk advised that she has received a cheque in full payment for the hiring of the site for the Circus, and that a charge of £50 has been made, and received, for the removal of the remaining posters.

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