Sunday 19 February 2012

Cranfield traffic calming

Traffic calming. Yes its taken a  long time and we nearly missed it. The advert placed by  Central Beds Council in Beds on Sunday had the wrong weblink and we know that there are lots of BoS black holes where people don't get it. And if asked we would have said put it in our information rootstock Cranfield Express. So the notice with the correct details is going in out next Thursday in the Cran X Files. See details below (sorry its not a hyperlink) and please note that the closing date is now 5 March not 27 Feb as it says below. 

Traffic calming consultation
Bedfordshire Highways is undertaking a consultation on the features required to deliver a traffic calming scheme in Cranfield. 
The statutory consultation on the proposed orders and features is already underway, but to give local people an additional opportunity to comment the proposals the deadline has also been extended from 27 Feb to 5 March for local comments to be considered.

The original traffic calming scheme was designed to address issues associated with the continued expansion of the university and its negative impacts in terms of speeds and volume of traffic in Cranfield. This had received Cranfield Parish Council and Central Bedfordshire Council backing and approval. However, following the opening of the realigned A421 (dual carriageway) the volume of traffic using Cranfield reduced and there needed to be a review of the proposals to ensure that they were still appropriate.
In discussions with the Parish and Central Beds Councillors it was agreed that with the changes in traffic flows, wholesale traffic calming through the village was no longer the best way forward. Instead it was agreed that the measures would be targeted at those places in the village where they were most needed. This includes the features on Crawley Road where the highest speeds have been measured. The remaining features include four larger raised junctions and the two raised pedestrian crossings. It is also intended to extend the 30mph speed limit on Crawley Road past the football ground entrance. Both Parish and Central Bedfordshire Councillors have approved these changes.



CENTRAL BEDFORDSHIRE COUNCIL proposes to construct Raised Tables, Humped Zebra Crossings and a Raised Junction Table under Section 90 A-I of the Highways Act 1980 and all other enabling powers in High Street and other roads in Cranfield. These works are part of a traffic calming scheme, which has
been designed to reduce vehicle speeds and improve road safety and the environment for local residents.

The Proposed types of feature will be:
2 Raised Tables, 2 Humped Zebra Crossings and 4 Raised Junction Table as described below:
 Raised Tables at a nominal height of 75mm, approximately 8 metres long across the full width of the road (except for drainage channel) are proposed to be sited at the following locations in Cranfield:
 1. Crawley Road at a point approximately 156 metres north-west of Birch Close.
2. Crawley Road at a point approximately 256 metres north-west of Birch Close.
Humped Zebra Crossings at a nominal height of 75mm are proposed to be sited at the following locations in Cranfield (These are existing zebra crossings that are proposed to be re-built on raised tables):
 1. High Street at a point approximately 28 metres south-west of Plough Close.
2. High Street at a point approximately 55 metres north-east of Red Lion Close.
Raised Junction Tables at a nominal height of 75mm, across the full width of the road are proposed to be sited at the following locations in Cranfield:-
1. High Street/Court Road/Merchant Lane junction covering a length of up to approximately 45 metres of High Street and extending up to approximately 10 metres into Court Road and up to approximately 10 metres into Merchant Lane.
2. High Street/Mill Road junction covering a length of up to approximately 33 metres of High Street and extending up to approximately 27 metres into Mill Road.
3. Mill Road/Crane Way/Crawley Road junction covering a length of up to approximately 22 metres of Mill Road, up to approximately 16 metres of Crane Way and up to approximately 20 metres of Crawley Road.
4. Bedford Road/Crane Way junction covering a length of up to approximately 48 metres of Bedford Road and extending up to approximately 17 metres into Crane Way.
 Further Details of the proposal and plans may be examined during normal opening hours at Ampthill library, 1 Dunstable Street, Ampthill MK45 2NL or online at
 Objections should be sent in writing to the Transportation Manager, Bedfordshire Highways, Woodlands Annex, Manton Lane, Bedford MK41 7NU or e-mail stating the grounds on which they are made by 5 March 2012.
Basil Jackson
Assistant Director for Highways
239 Ampthill Road
Bedford MK42 9QQ
5th February 2012

1 comment:

cranhpc said...

I notice that the Crane Way/Mill Road/Crawley Road "table" also incorporates a mini-roundabout.

Probably long overdue but the changed priorities may make driving over it "interesting", until people get used to it...