Wednesday 15 February 2012

Crane Way

I met Amey, at Crane Way yesterday. 

They said the bollards, which local people complained about,  are fine because you are not allowed to park there anyway. Everyone was told that they would have their old low lying kerbs sealed up unless they handed over money for a new low lying kerb (aka a 'drop kerb'). The parking on Crane Way is not an issue because the Spanish lorry driver who caused the crash should not have been there (what about the buses?).

They acknowledged the cracked kerb stones (above) and the wooden edging (left) to the grass-tarmac interface. 

They said they were in consultation with CBC about next year's programme and a schedule of work will be published. 

My recommendations to the parish council are:

  1. We engage with CBC to ensure village needs are met in next year's programme. 
  2. We scrutinise the published programme and ask Amey/CBC what their plans are regarding parishioners' properties.
  3. We press for repair of the kerbing and concrete edging on the grassed areas.
  4. We engage with Beds Police, CBC, Chris Mollart Griffin about the increasingly serious issues of congestion and parking on Crane Way and finding a long term solution (this would take in  the bollard situation).


J.Nakielski said...

Apart from my comments on the dangerous way that Amey carried out the work later on the blog Amey also blocked in the car at 23 Crane Way and the resident there at the time couldn't get her car out for a week and had to make alternative arrangements to get to work. In the end the car was driven out with the work completed as Amey took so long to complete the work. The drop kerb was of course removed. The resident and her husband had made the rough drive across the grassed area as they'd had a vehicle hit on the road in the past several times. They'd been told not to park in Millards Way as it's too close to the junction, so could only park on Crane Way. This is a dangerous road which seems to be as busy now as it was before the new road was completed. Any jobsworth nitpicking over not paying for a dropped kerb where there is clearly a garage and gate access to a property that would undo a residents attempts to keep the road clear and safe is utter madness, especially when this work could be done at the time with no extra cost.

Unknown said...

All true. The hundreds of pounds they charge for putting a lower kerb than the surrounding is quite ridiculous. One parishioner told me it was a nice little earner. I couldn't comment