Sunday 20 January 2013

There'e no business like snow business

Its fine but its persistent and the traffic isn't clearing the snow off the road so we won't be straying out of Cranfield today. I might have an exciting trip to the Coop a little later on, once I've mustered the huskies and got Captain Oates out of bed (and I'm not having any of that 'I may be some time' nonsense).

The onset of the white stuff took us a little by surprise as the BBC weather was suggesting midday but we are where we are with snow piling up outside the front door and cats very doubtful about the whole business. I've no idea what it will be like tomorrow but I take my hat off to every one who has to pull on a woolly hat, gloves and pair of boots to go work unlike those of us who who can sit in front of a computer checking our facebook page. LOL

So thanks to the Amey staff who turned up on Friday morning with the salt provided for the village by CBC. This was carefully deposited behind the skip in the cemetery and will be available for the salt boxes around Cranfield. Hopefully those near the salt boxes may spread a bit from time to in icy conditions. Hats off again to a small  number of people on the High Street who cleared their section of the footpath yesterday. We are not among them but we probably all should, give or take a bad back or a dodgy hip. There was some debate two years ago about whether we are allowed to clear the footpath on some spurious health and safety ground. 

I hope we we are past all that nonsense. If you have household members who revel in the snow, have a great time  but at the same time it would be good to be open for business again  tomorrow morning

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