Friday 20 September 2013

Tatty flyposting

People's views might vary but we have gone through a phase where there are all sorts of posters and notices pinned to our telegraph poles, bus shelters, lamp posts. Some of the affixers are rather slow to take  them down and they hang wet and limp for months after.

So the PC is just starting to remind people not to put stuff up freelance and remove anything they do put up, immediately the event is over or you have given up hope of finding the missing cat etc. And I suggest Slimming World stops treating Cranfield as a massive advertising hoarding (usualy happens in January wouldn't you know). At our meeting on Wednesday we agreed:

Fly posting.   
The clerk has written to Cranfield United Football Club to ask that posters are taken down promptly following an event and to remind the Club that permission should be sought for the placing of the posters. An acknowledgement has been received. Following reports from members that notices are being indiscriminately posted around the village, these include estate agent banners, posters on lampposts and banners on the railings near to the village green, the Clerk contacted CBC for advice on where notices are allowed to be posted.

It was RECOMMENDED that the Clerk writes again to all the organisations to remind them that flyposting is an offence. Amenity cleaner  to remove all fly posting.

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