Thursday 29 March 2012

Worrying letter in Cranfield Express

Disturbing letter in the Cranfield Express (just out) There are some really passionate people living in the village. Hope they have got their facts right...

There has been enough pressure on Cranfield’s old Rec and now we are saying enough is enough.  After the reports that the district council, Central Beds it is called, wanted to get some of the land for the school it was bad enough.

That was when some of us decided to set up Save Cranfield Rec Action Group (S.C.R.A.G.)
But then when we saw in the newspaper (not the Cranfield News)  about the Central Bedfordshire-Milton Keynes “Strategic Partnrship Long Term Program” we couldn’t quite believe. Its too much that Milton Keynes wants to build estates all over Salford and Cranfield. Now they want to treat us as a dumping ground for their garden furniture.
Central Beds counsellors say they don’t want to do a deal with Milton Keynes but now they say there must be “constructive dialoge’. But the report also said Milton Keynes are getting rid of their concrete cows because its been a bad image for the town and they want them to go somewhere. And Cranfield Rec is one place our local council has suggested could take them.  Well quite frankly if we get to that we might as well tear up the Cranfield sign in the green and plant a notice that says “Welcome to Milton Keynes Come and See the Cows.”
There is a massive cover up of this scandal. Of course our parish councillors have all taken to the long grass (plenty of that these days of course). Then we tried to get Central beds to tell us what was happening. We thought it might be environment  but then switchboard put us through to leisure and culture  but they thought it was planning. Finally planning they said it was the parish council’s responsibility. So here we are again.
Anyway I believe there is going to be something called a sight-visit this Sunday morning by councillors and other council planning types to the Rec to look it over and see where the cows go. We will be there for definite and other members of S.C.R.A.G. to save our Rec, say No to Milton Keynes and definitely say NO to COWS. Please join  us

April and George Fuller

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