Friday 2 March 2012

Linear landfill

"Linear Landfill". Great expression for our roadsides that are vergin' on midden heap status. Not mine. 

A parishioner (fellow chainman) writes: 

"I saw the contractor clearing the verge at about 08:30 yesterday or Monday morning near the end of the runway on the road to Moulsoe - even said hello to him. So very well done - it causes me more 'disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' moments than almost anything else as a cyclist riding past these 'linear landfills'.
"That said, the worst is Bourne End Road -  and Astwood Road past Newlands Farm is pretty awful, too. I don't think they've been done anytime in the last decade - would it be the same if we were in MK ? And there appears to be a car hire fleet's worth of tyres on the verge of the road from Wharley End. Since I've last been along both these roads (Friday), they may well have been done. If not, do request that Cllrs Clark and Matthews try to get ALL the roads round here done - and happy that you're relaying a message from me.
"Keep up the good work."
I've had another email from CBC:

"Our T force was out  there on Wednesday and Thursday this week. There will be a grab lorry out there on monday next week to remove tyres."

So far so good. Cllr Matthews has not replied to my earlier email or, to my knowledge, a prompt from the parish council clerk. 

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