The life and times of
Cranfield Parish Council and the village of Cranfield in Bedfordshire,
Friday, 14 September 2012
A view from the centre of the village
Anonymous posted regarding the traffic calming:
They only worked on Saturday because they were behind schedule
businesses report slow trading because NO signs were erected at the
Eastern side of the roadworks to indicate that said businesses were open
as normal.
Don't think that any busses made it to the centre of the village during closure but can't be sure. [I'm pretty sure there were no MK buses at all - Trouble in Cranfield]
how many accidents have taken place at the High Street/Merchant
Lane/Court Road junction in previous years? Can't remember any but a
fellow local thinks she can remember one! Does this mean it is money
well spent? [on this one I'd say just reducing speed levels improves quality of life]
Already it is proving difficult to turn left out of
Court Road onto the High Street because it's now necessary to wait for
those in front to turn right. In turn this makes it harder for school
buses and large vehicles to turn into Court Road especially from the
eastern side of the High Street. [sounds like a worry]
Some residents have expressed
concern that there is limited visibility when coming out of Merchant
Lane - difficult because of parked vehicles near the junction and, of
course the buildings on either side!
Not sure what the agenda is
here but a mini roundabout would have sufficed to slow traffic and I'd
have willingly painted that for a tenner.
I'm sure we will all
get used to it in time. Now we look forward to viewing the flowerbeds
as shown on the original plan! And pigs might fly!
They only worked on Saturday because they were behind schedule
Local businesses report slow trading because NO signs were erected at the Eastern side of the roadworks to indicate that said businesses were open as normal.
Don't think that any busses made it to the centre of the village during closure but can't be sure. [I'm pretty sure there were no MK buses at all - Trouble in Cranfield]
Wonder how many accidents have taken place at the High Street/Merchant Lane/Court Road junction in previous years? Can't remember any but a fellow local thinks she can remember one! Does this mean it is money well spent? [on this one I'd say just reducing speed levels improves quality of life]
Already it is proving difficult to turn left out of Court Road onto the High Street because it's now necessary to wait for those in front to turn right. In turn this makes it harder for school buses and large vehicles to turn into Court Road especially from the eastern side of the High Street. [sounds like a worry]
Some residents have expressed concern that there is limited visibility when coming out of Merchant Lane - difficult because of parked vehicles near the junction and, of course the buildings on either side!
Not sure what the agenda is here but a mini roundabout would have sufficed to slow traffic and I'd have willingly painted that for a tenner.
I'm sure we will all get used to it in time. Now we look forward to viewing the flowerbeds as shown on the original plan! And pigs might fly!