Friday 20 April 2012

Neighbourhood plans

These are a key part of the government's 'localism' agenda. It is meant to channel local frustration at top down development aimed only at meeting targets and to give communities a say in how development takes place. 

The DCLG (department of Communities and Local Government) said in its impact statement last year:
"Communities are often unable to ensure that development meets local needs and takes satisfactory account of the tensions between development and conservation, environmental quality and pressure on services. This flaw in the current system can lead to development taking place against the wishes of the community, being delayed by objections (at expense to both business and the local authority) or blocked, compromising housing and economic growth. "
There is a cost to drawing up a neighbourhood plan and to make it valid it must be endorsed by a local poll. So who knows if this is practical or not. They are red hot for it in Marston and Mrs Ball and I are going to find out more next Wednesday night at a presentation  there.  Not missing any Euro-footie so what's not to like  about an evening in Marston talking about planning?

see DCLG info for more information 

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