Friday 4 November 2011

Cash for access to government ministers?

The Parish Council is planning  to write a complaint to Mid Beds Conservative Association  who are using access to the secretary of state  for education Michael Gove as local fundraiser for their party. 

To my amazement this invitation - see below - to a MBCA event at £50 a head, half going to Keech and half to the Party was circulated through local parish councils. This is totally inappropriate. Those emails lists are for civic, non party-political information. 

After Fox and Werrity (and new Labour wasn't without its cash for access and favours scandals) don't they ever learn?

I will also be writing to Baroness Warsi, co-chair of the Conservative Party making  my own personal complaint. Is Mr Gove generally for hire for weddings, christenings and barmitzvahs?

From: Admin []
Sent: 31 October 2011 09:42
To: Admin
Subject: Rt Hon Michael Gove MP Dinner 18th November 2011

Mid Beds Conservative Association

Annual Dinner

Friday 18th November 2011

Your chance to meet with guest speaker

Rt Hon Michael Gove MP

Secretary of State for Education

Speech and questions from the floor

Woburn Safari Lodge

Woburn Park, Woburn, Beds MK17 9QN

Heads & Tails


Tickets £50.00

Please call or email

01462 811992 or

Proceeds to be divided equally between

Keech Hospice Care & MBCA

7.30pm    Guests arrive                            Dress   Lounge suit

8.00pm    Dinner

9.30pm    Speaker and Questions

10.30pm  Coffee

11.30pm  Carriages

Mid Beds Conservatives Association

St Michael's Close

High Street



SG17 5DD

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