Thursday 28 July 2011

Central Beds

The Parish Council is writing to Central Beds Unitary councillors, Alan Bastable, Ken Matthews and Sue Clarke asking the following questions about Home Farm:

1.     Reports: 
1.1.   PCllr L Pollock reported upon correspondence regarding the standing of the Home Farm Development application; and proposed that Cranfield Parish Council writes to all unitary councillors in addition to Ken Matthews as executive lead asking:
1.1.1.  Firstly about the authority's resolution in the face of any appeal by Persimmon against non-determination.
1.1.2.  Secondly at what point it became clear that Persimmon were on Home Farm unlawfully and why no action was taken.
1.1.3.  Thirdly how the design brief and the S106 agreement can be delivered if Persimmon cannot take control of the land in question. 

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