Wednesday 11 May 2011

War memorial

Our search for ways of preserving the names on Cranfield's war memorial continues. One possibility is a granite facing on the existing portland stone. But the War Memorials Trust advises:

Due to its porous nature all stone allows some movement of water vapour. By introducing a less porous material (i.e granite) onto the memorial you block this movement and cause differential movement whichwill lead to the increased erosion of the stone surrounding the plaques. 

In addition to this introducing a new material will change the aesthetic and design intention of the memorial which represents the wishes of the community at the time of erection.

It was the second sentence that amazed me - the fact that we might offend people 100 years responsible for designing and setting up the war memorial whose main aim, surely, was to preserve the names of those they had lost. It is, after all, a memorial.  Does the above as it currently looks, meet the wishes of the original post world war one community? I don't think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Totally bizarre!