Tuesday 29 March 2011

footpath repairs

This is from the latest Central Beds customer service bulletin.

Dear Sir/Madam ,    I have several issues of which I should like to take this oppurtunity to bring to your attention     with regards MILLARDS CLOSE , CRANFIELD , BEDFORD both for myself on behalf of my neighbours.   

1)Firstly , recently the footpaths were resurfaced in December 2010, but for some unexplained reason the paths outside the following properties DID NOT get theirpaths done:   
15 Millards Close   
17 Millards Close   
19 Millards Close   
21 Millards Close
23 Millards Close   
25 Millards Close   
ALL the other adjacent Bungalows and houses had there old paths outside their properies resurfaced but not ours. This is not acceptable I should be grateful on my behalf and those of my neighbours that the Highways agency and / or Bedford Council come out to redo the properties that have been overlooked.

The Highways inspector's response is

"When the works were recently done, we did the worst sections with the money that was available at the time. The other paths that were not resurfaced will be assessed from next financial years budget, in April."

Well it's looking like almost  April from my window so time for a quick gee up. I have no doubt it would have been more cost effective to do all the Millards footpaths at one go. The pigeon post has already gone to the parish clerk.

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