Thursday 6 May 2010

Parish Council 5 May 2010

We had Persimmon present to outline their proposals for the community building on Home Farm with library and pre-school add-ons. There were reps from the pre-school, lower school and cyclists (keen on the 106 agreement provision for a cycle track to the south of the airfield) present. The design has some potential although there may be issues about the current footprint's proximity to nearby houses. The current money will not permit the full construction of the pre-school but with planning permission in place they can apply for other grants more easily.

We also had a first look at the Persimmon application to build 129 houses on the 1A and 1B plots. The biggest issue at the moment is line between Maple Way and building site where there is an argument about the original boundary. Persimmon claim that residents have encroached on their land. While this is, in a sense, a private argument it does impact on whether houses Persimmon are proposing are too close to existing properties for planning purposes. There are rumours of footpaths moved and ditches filled in. Looking on paper or screen won't do it. We need to be tramping the fields to sort this one out.

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