Tuesday 11 May 2010

Lodge Road

EDF gave Lodge Road a fair old battering last month and unceremoniously blocked it several times with their mini-dumpers. At one point I insisted they move the dumper to allow my bike through but other more deferential parishioners just turned back when they saw the road obstructed. I had a chat to two who thought it was all official. Not.

The most recent CenBeds customer service bulletin records :

"I have received the following e mail from the clerk to Cranfield Parish Council. 'I believe the works, which were within Lodge Road at Cranfield, were undertaken by EDF. Can you get someone to check the final finish to see whether further attention is required? E-mail from Parish Clerk It would appear the contractor who has restored the road after doing work has not completed the re-filling by sealing the road – it is suggested that this will deteriorate over the next 6 – 12 months.' "

This road is going to get so much hammer in the next few years and we have to be working to keep it running and well laid.

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