Tuesday 17 June 2014

Housing for older people

Portnall Place, Mill Road

CBC is raising the issue about housing for older people in rural areas. This is absolutely right as the country's housing stock depletes and we do not keep up with the house building programme of the 1950s. Cranfield has first class provision, run by Aragon in Mill Road (above) but what's next? 

There's supposed to be more homes for older people on the Home Farm development, when that's built, but we are't holding our breaths. The Alms Houses, Goodman for instance, are still around but the Hartwell houses (see below) were no longer fit for purpose and have been sold to finance future housing for older people.
Hartwell almshouses - pretty but needing work

CBC wants comments on it newly adopted  Housing Allocations Policy to be implemented in the autumn. This asks that consideration be given  to older/retired people in rural areas, who may wish to downsize to a smaller property but remain in the area. The consultation runs between 2nd June and 30th June 2014. Personal and Parish Council views are invited. Responses via the Central Bedfordshire Council website: www.centralbedfordshire.gov.uk/consultations This will be considered at Full Council tomorrow evening (18 June)

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