Wednesday, 18th June 2014 at 8.00pm
at Holywell School, Red Lion Close
1. To receive apologies for absence. PCllr P Meadows
2. To receive declarations of personal and/or prejudicial interests in any matter
3. To confirm the minutes of the last meeting[s]
4. Clerk's Report
5. Health & Safety
6. Reports from Committees
6.1. Finance and Grants Committee [Extraordinary meeting]
6.2. General Purposes Committee
6.3. Burial Grounds Committee
6.3.1. Allotments and cemeteries questionnaire
6.4. Environment Committee
6.5. Planning Committee
6.5.1. Housing for the elderly consultation
7. Financial matters and accounts for payment
8. Correspondence
9. Reports from unitary councillors (and any other representatives)
10. Highway matters