Friday 31 January 2014

Great war centenary

Jane Backhouse, Cranfield's western fronter is gingering up interest in planning for the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of the "great" war.  Jane is on 


She writes:

Dear Colleague,
As I am sure you are aware, I am very interested and involved in matters pertaining to the Great War. I am also sure that you are very aware of the date!
It would be wonderful to support all local village plans outlined by the RBL last November in Cranfield Express as well as other events in the locality.

I am feeling very strange really – humbled and honoured to be able to take an active part in such a time of historical commemorations.
Would you be able to come along to a meeting of all interested and like-minded people on the village to discuss further how we as a community begin to mark this historical period? I would be delighted if as many as possible could come along. I will be providing tea and coffee.

The venue is to be the  Village Hall and the date the 10th February at 7pm.

I do hope that you and others will be there.

Best Wishes


Jane Backhouse
Western Front Association

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