Wednesday 3 October 2012

Traffic calming

A parishioner writes about the traffic calming:

After reading your article in the Cranfield Express I would like to give you some feedback regarding the roadworks at the junction of Crane Way and Bedford Road. 

I think that the traffic calming measures are a good thing but they have made a bit of a mess of the pedestrian crossing. When crossing Crane Way at the junction in the past, there were lowered kerb stones on both sides of the road. 

As part of the roadworks they have raised the kerb stone on one side! This means that anyone with a buggy or wheelchair has to either bump down onto the road or do a detour to get across. 

This change was totally unnecessary and I can only imagine it was a mistake as they seem to have catered for pedestrians/buggies/wheelchairs at all of the other junctions they have adapted.

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