Friday 26 February 2010

Feedback on Lodge Road

From a Court Road resident (via email)

My comments for what they may be worth -

I spoke to the men in the low loaders when they arrived that day. They
informed me that they wouldn't have to do much with the heavy machinery
as the majority of the archaeological areas would have to be cleared by
hand. As they were blocking Court Road immediately passed my house,
they had to move their equipment to let me through in my car after I had
pulled off my drive.

There is now a lot of mud over the pathway where they have gone through
the hedge which is making the path very slippery. I also noticed one of
Bedfordshire Council's 4x4 pickup trucks was stuck in the mud and
abandoned in the entrance to the field yesterday morning - it is so wet
and muddy and it looks awful. There has been no attempt made to clear
any of the mud from the public pathway and as I walk my dog that way
morning and evening, I have now elected to step onto the road to avoid
slipping and my shoes becoming covered in mud, which strikes me as

I was stuck for 15 minutes on Lodge Road from around 8am till after
8.15am this morning due to a petrol tanker blocking the road near the
compound where the diggers are kept. They told me they were filling up
the fuel tank and the machinery and would only be a couple of minutes so
I decided to wait. 10 minutes later they were still pumping fuel and
there was a queue of 4 or 5 vehicles including the school bus now stuck
on the single track road, which meant it was not possible for me to turn
around and go another way. I was nearly late for work!!

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