Monday, 26 April 2010

So what happened to the health centre? It's a desperately-needed response to the growth in housing in Cranfield. 12 months ago it was all systems go and now it's supposedly on ice. There is money in the Home Farm 106 (planning gain agreement - I mustn't write jargon) and as the early planning for this goes ahead we need to be looking at health facilities again and finding out what the PCT's progress is on this.

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Cycle track

Cycle track: Cyclists of the world unite you have nothing to lose but your chains.

Hopefully we can step up progress on the southern cycle track which is part of the Home Farm section 106 agreement. I understand the funds are released when the 50th house is occupied but there is no reason why we shouldn't be planning for this now. Cycling is the ideal way to get back and forward between the university. The roads, especially at night and in the winter are not good for either two wheels or two feet.

Friday, 23 April 2010

Wow - Feb 26 since my last post? Does that mean I have a life? Well time to park it a bit. Here's the PC, Home Farm, Cemetery, Covanta headlines:

We passed the traffic calming - at last.

Home Farm is cranking up with the planning app for the community building and offshoots in preparation and the stakeholder group meeting a second time. Some updates in the forthcoming Cranfield Express.

The memorial garden in the cemetery is finished and we are moving towards cultivation of the extension.

Covanta looms large over the Vale. There are a range of possible objections and my principle beef is their refusal to consider the railway line WHICH IS RIGHT BESIDE THE PROPOSED SITE as a means of moving material.

Next meeting Wed 5 May - hopefully with a rep from Persimmon to update us on planning apps and development of the community building. I have been pushing the idea that we need to start thinking of the cycle track.